Eternal E 808

CRank: 5Score: 21560

why dont you say the same for every ps3 game that was said to be all AAA games tell me hushhh

6110d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

all i know is i cant wait,i got a bunch of dudes im going with to the midnight launch smoke a few jays till it drops and im on my way back home to tripp on some halo 3,and to the guy that said the ps3 has better games uhh well the last time i checked it was PS3-0 360-3 and soon to be 4 when mass effect drops so go back to playing your "A" war hawk.

6110d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

hypocrites..hypocrites....hypo crites thats all i see now days because reviews are now not important hah i don't hear the Sony kids bragging about reviews i wonder why....

6141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you fckin drone i laugh at you because everything i said was true aint nothing better than the truth b!tch anyway i aint even going to trip on some snob little kid like you because you cant handle the truth.

6142d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

uhh not realy because vg aint official numbers NPD is so facts are facts dont get it twisted.

6142d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You sony fanboys are too much i mean you all thought this year was sonys year and now you say wait till 08 it will be the same story like always but anyway with games like halo 3,mass effect and bioshock you tell me who owned 07.Thats what i thought cry you idiot fanboys and crawl back in your wholes and break back into reality because all this talk of the future is real stupid so face the facts that the 360 is one step ahead of every move the ps3 has.

6142d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

well i can say the same with the 360 when halo 3 drops and if they drop the price agian wich will happen sometime in 08 by then the 360 will have an even huge lead.

6142d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

its funny how vg charts never match NPD numbers so i think that clearly states that vg is inaccurate and im a ask dusty that all these artcles of vg charts should be banned.

6142d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

never a fan so wouldnt give a damn!

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be stupid buy making the mistake of thinking this video is all that halo 3 can offer your sadly mistaken.

6143d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

nah man you all right i wasnt trying to flame i was just making a point and i feel that HD DVD owners should be able to rejoice thats all it aint even about who wins i just want some good movie i can watch on my HD DVD player.

6144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ohh so now the format war is stupid because HD DVD finally got some good support i didn't here ppl saying that when blu-ray was totaly owning HD DVD man fanboys on this site are so pathic i as one am happy they went with HD DVD because the selection at first i can honestly say was scarce but why cant you blu-ray owners just take it how it is you guys have a great selection as it is from the start so feel me.

6144d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

why shouldnt we just sit back and laugh at ppl that try and hype things,its what they get im not the type that trys and hype things but i know a good game when i see one or just by reviews so im just saying i dont feel sorry for these ppl and for sony for stating the hype in the first place.

6144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahah...haha is it me or is it that sony needs a AAA game pronto.

EDIT:And im sure that alot of you say that you dont need these reviews for it to be a good game but would you have said that for another game on another console i doubt it because you ppl are just hypocrits and its sad that you have to eat your word each time it happens so i dont feel sorry for you at all.

6144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

great now that all these sony drone atleast left a comment is now on my ignore list so i know who exactly to blame for this because for you to be on my ignore list you got to be one ignorant fanboy.

6144d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

simple as that why would they leave about 9 disagrees on about any noble comment about this game why should this even be allowed dusty needs to have mods in here so we can crack down on this ignorance and i'm pretty sure i know most of the idiots doing this and i'm a report this to dusty and get rid of these drones ruining our comment section.

6144d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

speak for your console because it makes you look stupid.

6145d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

i showed my friend 300 in HD and he was beggin me to watch it again lol

6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

great news for HD DVD supporters like me cant wait for transformers and to all the ones trying to down play this, is just useless because this is good news for HD DVD so dont deny it also for ones that think this war dosent matter than why come in here and post something as useless as you and your sdtvs lol nah JK but yes if you haven't got an HDTV i suggest you dont speak for us because you have no idea how great it is to have an HDTV with an HD player trust me.

6145d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

because a console just rated by hardware alone is just plain stupid because what is a console with out games and games without a console and vica versa so why is this grading nonsense if they graded all key aspects of a "gaming" console?

6145d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment